Each year, ELCA congregations from around the world spend God's Work. Our Hands. Sunday in service to their neighbors, both near and far. This day is an opportunity to celebrate who we are as the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America--one church, freed in Christ to serve and love our neighbor.
Please join us on Sunday, September 10, as the River of Grace community gathers to participate in God's Work. Our Hands. Sunday. We will be assembling kits to be distributed by Lutheran World Relief to those in need around the world.
Kits will include Personal Care Kits which will contain hygiene items and School Kits which will contain school supplies. These kits make a large impact on those who receive them. Hygiene kits are often provided to refugees around the world who otherwise do not have access to items such as soap and clean towels. The school kits allow children to remain in school when their families are unable to afford the supplies they need for their education.
How can you help?
- Donate items for the Personal Care Kits and for the School Kits (RoG will provide the drawstring backpacks for the School Kits, please do not purchase drawstring backpacks). Bring these items with you to church on any Sunday leading up to September 10. Or leave items in the collection bin located near the church entrance. When donating items, please remember to donate new items only. Please do not donate any items with religious symbols or messages. And do not donate any items decorated with the US flag, patriotic or military symbols, or references to the armed forces, including camouflage.
- Help assemble kits on Sunday, September 10, at 12:00pm--immediately following our 10:30am worship service.
- Spread the word about this important project and invite your friends and family to join us!