River of Grace offers several opportunities for our children to become involved in the church.
From educational, to social, to service groups, there is something for everyone!
ChiLdren's Ministries at River of Grace
River of Grace offers several opportunities for our children to become involved in the church.
From educational, to social, to service groups, there is something for everyone!
Sunday School
Sunday School is a great opportunity for young children to further their understanding of scripture through games, crafts, and other activities. This class is for all children in elementary school and meets each Sunday before Worship, from 9:30am to 10:20am.
GodSquad is our ministry group for children in kindergarten through fifth grade. We meet at 6pm on the second Friday of the month for games, crafts, and service projects. Come join us; we're always looking to meet new friends!
What is an Acolyte? An acolyte is someone who helps the pastor with the worship service. At RoG, our acolytes have the important job of lighting the candles before worship, assisting with the offering plates, and extinguishing the candles at the close of worship. We will provide training throughout the year so that all our children are confident and comfortable serving as acolytes.
Christmas Pageant 2020
Our Christmas Pageant was a little different because of Covid-19. The Sunday's Cool kids submitted videos and artwork related to the story of the birth of Jesus. These submissions were then edited to create The Story of Christmas.